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Legal notice

In compliance with current legislation stated in the article 10 of the Law 34/2002, July 11th, related to the Services of the Society of Information and Electronic Commerce, we hereby detail the following data: the undertaking company of is Gourmetissimus, S.L. (hereinafter referred as Gourmetissimus), with residence for this purpose in Calle Hedilla number 4-10, with C.I.F.: B-65975583 registered at the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona Volume 43706 general, section 1 of the Corporate Ledger, page 179, sheet B436081. Contact e-mail address:


Gourmetissimus, S.L., responsible Administrator of the Website, provides the users with the present document which intends to fulfill the legal obligations based on the Law 34/2002, of the Services of the Society of Information and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), as well as to inform all users of the website in regard to the use conditions of the site.

Any person who accesses or uses this website is assuming the role of user and undertakes to observe and strictly accomplish the disposals here laid down, as well as any other legal term which might be applicable.

Gourmetissimus, S.L. reserves the right to modify any kind of information that might appear in the website, without any obligation of prior notice or notifying the users of the aforesaid obligations, being understood that the publication in the website is sufficient.


Gourmetissimus, S.L. shall not be liable for any information published in their website, providing that this information had been tampered or manipulated or introduced by a third party not belonging to the said site. may use cookies (small piece of data sent from a website and stored in the user’s web browser) to implement specific functions that are considered essential for the proper functioning and display of the site. Cookies used at are, in any case, temporary and with the only purpose of enhancing the efficiency their onward transmission and disappear at logout. In any case cookies will be used to gather personal information.

It is possible that from you are redirected to third party site contents. Since the provider cannot always control the contents published by third parties in their websites, the provider will not be responsible on the said contents. In any event, the provider explicitly states that will proceed with the immediate removal of any content that might contravene national or international regulations, morality or public order, immediately withdrawing the redirection to the site and notifying any relevant cases to the competent authorities.

Gourmetissimus, S.L. shall accept no responsibility whatsoever for any information and/or contents stored, included without limitation, in forums, chats, blogs, comments, social networks or any other means which enables third parties to publish any content independently and beyond any Gourmetissimus, S.L. control. Nevertheless, and in observance with the Articles 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, Gourmetissimus, S.L. will make themselves available to users, authorities and security forces, and will actively collaborate in the removal or blocking of all the contents that might affect or contravene national or international regulations, third party rights, morality or public order. In the event that the user considers there is any content that might be likely to enter these categories, the user is requested to notify immediately the case to site administrator. has been revised and tested to work properly. Hence, it can be guaranteed its proper functioning 365 days per year, 24 hours per day. However, Gourmetissimus, S.L. does not exclude the possibility of certain programming errors, or any reasons of force majeure, such as natural disasters, strikes, or similar that might eventually make impossible the access to the website.

Protection of personal data

Gourmetissimus, S.L. is fully committed with the compliance of the Spanish law and regulation about the Policy on Privacy and Data Protection about personal details and guarantees the full compliance of the treaty obligations, as well as the implementation of the security measures provided in the Article 9 of the 15/1999 Law about Personal Data Protection (LOPD) and in the Regulation on Development of the LOPD.

Gourmetissimus, S.L. puts at the disposal of the user the company’s Privacy Policy, by notifying the users about the existence and acceptation of the specific treatment conditions of their data in each case, describing the responsibility of the created file, address of the person in charge, the possibility of exercising their rights of access, amending, cancellation or opposition, the object and purpose of the treatment and the communication of data to third parties if that is the case.

Additionally, Gourmetissimus, S.L. states their full compliance of the Law 34/2002, July 11th, related to the Services of the Society of Information Electronic Commerce and will request the user’s consent on the treatment of user’s e-mail for marketing purposes at any time.

Industrial and Intellectual Property

The website, including but not limited to their programming, edition, gathering and any other necessary elements for its handling and maintenance, design, logo, text and/or graphics are the property of Gourmetissimus, S.L. or if applicable, has the license or the express permission of the authors. All the contents of the website are duly protected by the Industrial and Intellectual Regulation, as well as recorded in the corresponding Public Registry.

Regardless of the purpose to which they were originally intended, the reproduction in whole or in part, use, exploitation, distribution and marketing, requires express written authorisation from Gourmetissimus, S.L. Any use not previously authorised by Gourmetissimus, S.L. will be considered a major violation of the intellectual and industrial property copyrights.

Design, logos, text and/or graphics obtained from an external supplier, which may be available on website at are the property of their respective owners, being themselves responsible of any potential conflict that might arise in its respect. In any event, Gourmetissimus, S.L. has been specifically and previously authorised by the owners.

Gourmetissimus, S.L. consents to the posting of their contents in third party websites provided that it is a partial reproduction, the content is not modified whatsoever, it is stated clearly that it is Gourmetissimus, S.L. property and the reproduction is accompanied by a hypertext link to the page with the original content, so the user can note in his browser that, by accessing to this link, is entering to Gourmetissimus, S.L. URL.

Gourmetissimus, S.L. recognizes, in favour of its owners, the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights, without implying by any mention or inclusion in its website the existence of any rights or responsibilities of Gourmetissimus, S.L. on them, nor does it imply support, patronage or recommendation.

Should you wish to make any notice on possible breaches on the industrial and intellectual property rights, as well as on any content of the website, you can contact our Customer Service Department.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

For the resolution of any conflict or matter related to the present website or the activities developed in it, the current Spanish legislation shall apply, and the parties specifically submit themselves to the said legislation, being the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Barcelona competent for resolving any disputes or conflicts arisen from or related to its usage.