Keys to choose a good wine

Choosing a good wine is not easy, which is precisely why, if we do not want to be taken for a ride, we should know a series of basic keys for choosing a good wine and not make a mistake. The world of wine is very wide and extensive, so that for a beginner it can be somewhat complicated to know how to choose a good wine.

Choosing a good wine may seem a difficult task at first, but, by following a series of recommendations, you will manage to become an expert in the matter. Do not be fooled, as many people think that high price is always synonymous with great wine, but this is not always the case. Some of the best wines on the market have very accessible prices.

Keys to choose a good wine and not fail in the attempt

Given the great diversity of brands and varieties, at first it can be an odyssey to select a wine, but the most important thing to hit the nail on the head is to let your sense of taste and smell take over. If you want the task of choosing a good wine not to be too difficult, these keys will become your best allies. Take note!

Wine region

It is best to opt for those wines that have been made in regions with hot and dry climates, as they usually have a much better aroma and taste than those that have been made in cold climates.

Seal of quality

Another vital aspect to take into consideration is to check that the wine has a quality seal (DOC, DOCA, DOCG, DO, etc.), since they prove to be of high quality and have undergone strict controls.

Year of production

Another crucial aspect to take into account is to check which is the year of production of the wine, that is, which is the year of harvest. With this information you will be able to determine if that year the climatic conditions were optimal for the production of wine or if on the contrary the weather was excessively cold and caused the vineyards to suffer excessively.

Cork size

Don’t forget to check the size of the cork either. In those wines where a wine with a long cork is observed, it means that it is a wine that will improve with the passing of time and that it is indicated to be consumed in the long term. Likewise, it must be said that it is much more complex for bacteria to gain access to the wine itself.

Analyze its aspect

It is essential to look carefully at their appearance. You will have to check it for bubbles, as this would mean that the wine has live yeasts in the wine and is fermenting in the bottle. If you hear or observe bubbling, that wine is not the most suitable.

Taste the wine

Wines that are too acidic in the mouth should be avoided. It will be convenient to determine how long the taste of the wine you are tasting lasts in your mouth. The longer the time, the better the wine. In the event of perceiving a sparkling sensation generated by micro-bubbles, it is important to avoid that wine.

Now that you know how to choose a good wine, now that you know the keys to not making a mistake in your choice, put these useful tips into practice.

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